Anybody who wants to become a weekday author can. You must be able to post everything during the weekdays or whenever I can't. Please fill out this form then comment on the most recent post:

1. Your username
2. Your Blogger username and email
3. Your website (You must have one)
4. Examples of posts you made on your own blog (Please link to at least 3 posts)
5. Why you think you should be an author here on CP Beat


Feel free to contact me in any way! I always like to hear from my viewers. I will try to respond to any of your emails. Please read the following for any FAQ or how to contact me. Email me at to...

Email me with one of the subjects above, and I will try to reply as soon as I can! (Unless fan mail)

Here are a few questions asked frequently on this site:

What is the Newest Pin?
 The newest pin comes out every two weeks. I always update the Pin Tracker on the top left sidebar.

Can I Become a Blog Author?
No, I like to keep my blog with just me. I only add someone as author if I am gone on vacation, or if I am not available during that week. I only do that because if this site goes horribly wrong somehow, I am the only one to take the blame and responsibility.

How Do You Make Avatars?
Well, I can tell much. I only use one program to make them. I don't want to tell so I won't lose my business.

Why is Your Name Hi466?
When before I first started playing Club Penguin I was known for making up cool usernames. My friend introduced me to Club Penguin, then I thought of Hi466!

If I Tell You an Unknown Cheat, Will You Give Me Credit?
Of course! I will ALWAYS give you credit, otherwise that would be wrong! I'll give you credit by making a post about it (If I think it should be posted) and I will mention your name! However, I only give credit to the first person to tell me. If you have a site, I will link your name, too, so others can reach your site.

How Did You Get Two Sidebars and Alter the Template?
Well, I edited the HTML for this site. It took me a long time to edit the HTML, so please don't steal it.

Well, I hope that answers most of your questions! Check back here often to see more FAQ.