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New Membership Page+Sneak Peek of Green Tambourine!

I have some exciting news! The Membership page has been updated, and in there are some sneak peeks! The updated page:

And the sneak peeks! The first pic is of the new V.I.P. Membership Card to get backstage:

And this is an EXCLUSIVE pic of a free item coming in the Music Jam! It's a Green Tambourine!

Please, if you use this pic, please give credit to us.


Slidoo 7/1/10, 3:41 PM  

I found that sneak peek to XD it is pretty easy to get

I did the same thing with the watermarks to cover up the empty space, as well..

Hi466 7/1/10, 3:47 PM  

Dear ☺§lídôô☻,

Yeah, I'm trying to fix that. I think it's working. If not...I guess I'm keeping it that way.