Anybody who wants to become a weekday author can. You must be able to post everything during the weekdays or whenever I can't. Please fill out this form then comment on the most recent post:

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2. Your Blogger username and email
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New Toys!

Check out what Billybob posted!

It's a Air Hockey Play Set and Urban Vinyl collectable penguins! They look kinda weird, especially Candance....



Piper 7/4/10, 9:06 AM  

What happened to Header Zone?

Hi466 7/4/10, 2:06 PM  

Dear Piper~Lemon,

I'm sorry, but I deleted it.

hoot333,  7/4/10, 2:21 PM  

1. Your penguin name: notepad333

2. A place to contact you (Ex. email, website):

3. What clothing you want on the penguin: Any t shirt any pants anything else that looks cool!

Hi466 7/4/10, 5:21 PM  

Dear Notepad333,

I need specific details in order in to complete your avatar. I need you to tell me some actual clothing I can put.